Date : Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Time : 11:31 PM

Day Four: Seven things that cross your mind a lot.

1. What am I gonna wear.
2. If only...
3. How my day is going to be
4. How's my dad :/
5. How to make people happy :D
6. Weekends
7. My future.

Date :
Time : 5:36 PM

Day Three: Eight ways to win your heart.

1. I dunno. Just be yourself I guess.
2. I know it's very cliche
oh well.

Date : Monday, August 30, 2010
Time : 12:12 AM

Day Two: Nine things about yourself.

1. I LOVE CHEESE X1000000000000000000000000!
2. I'm on FB and ebuddy 24/7
3. Only 19.
4. current obsession, pandas. awwwww!
5. I'm not emo! so not!!
6. I get sugar rush and it's a bad bad thing.
7. Love love love Timbre's pizza and wings!
8. I'm all about food:D
9. I finally grew out my nails without biting them! The temptation! But I didnt do
it anyway! proud of myself!!! :D

01. You’re currently confused about someone’s feelings for you. (not you, I promise)
02. You have been in a serious relationship before.
03. You own an iPod of some sort. (hope iphone is counted)
04. You do not like your sibling’s girlfriend/boyfriend. (used to but.. now ok only la)
05. You drink too much alcohol.
06. You have been to the Olive Garden.
07. You have taken medicine of some sort this week.
08. It is really cold in your house right now.
09. You are extremely dependent on others. (got to change that!)
10. You do not like to express your feelings in front of others. (depends actually)
11. You ate a lot of food today.
12. It doesn’t take much for you to cry. (I admit, imma crybaby.)
13. People consider you as a happy sort of person.
14. Someone in your family is rich.
15. You have been to Disney World or Disneyland before.
16. You hate when people constantly talk about themselves.
17. You are a good listener, but you hate complainers.
18. Someone has called you for a serious medical emergency before.
19. You have had a serious surgery.
20. Your house has a spare bedroom.
21. Your house is old.
22. You have at least one cousin under the age of three.
23. You have never held a baby before.
24. You can’t handle toddlers.
25. You have a painting in your room.
26. You have been to Canada.
27. You have been to Mexico.
28. You love cherry flavored lollipops.
29. You celebrate Easter.
30. You observe Lent.
31. You are Catholic.
32. You do not believe in God.
33. Religion is not important to you.
34. You want to have a small family one day.
35. You would rather have more sons than daughters.
36. You have more aunts than uncles.
37. You hate being too cold.
38. You currently are way more tan than everyone else.
39. You wear shoes in your house. (sometimes..)
40. Your parents are clean freaks.
41. You are more messy than clean. (way way way messier)
42. You are currently angry at someone.
43. Patience is so not a virtue to you.
44. Your desk is extremely clean.
45. Your bed sheets are either blue, green, black, or white.
46. When you hear “black & white” it reminds you of Katy Perry’s ‘Hot n Cold’ song.
47. You have no clue what that song is.
48. You think rap artists are completely pathetic.
49. You are glad George Bush is out of office.
50. Politics are boring to you.
51. You take a vitamin daily.
52. You feel like you are sick often.
53. You hate throwing up. (its disgusting to the max!)
54. You think it’s gross when people set food down on their desk at school with no napkin.
55. You also find it gross that people sit on top of desks.
56. You are now cringing at the thought of someone’s food where someone’s ass was.
57. You love getting bubble baths.
58. You do not like chocolate at all.
59. You are allergic to nuts.
60. You have been stung by a bee before.
61. You have been to the emergency room before for something.
62. One of your parents is 50 or older.
63. You are the baby of your immediate family.
64. You hate broccoli.
65. Cooked carrots are good, though.
66. You go on tumblr too much.
67. You are really comfortable right now.
68. You like witty t-shirts.
69. You are a major fan of underground bands.
70. You have been on an airplane before.
71. You are not afraid of heights.
72. You consider yourself paranoid.
73. You have had a panic attack before.
74. The thought of being old and alone bothers you.
75. You would choose the elderly over children.
76. You feel like you’re living in the wrong decade.
77. You like the color green.
78. You think it’s way too cold outside right now.
79. You love the thought of sleeping in tomorrow morning. (but too bad)
80. You would rather go to bed early and get up early.
81. You feel like the early bird catches the worm.
82. You are a big breakfast eater.
83. You are currently suffering from the common cold.
84. You are craving something salty.
85. You have been in a car today.
86. There is something plugged in near you.
87. You have heard of the TV show “Private Practice.”
88. You do not like medical television shows.
89. You prefer horror to comedies.
90. You adore Leo & Kate.
91. You think high-waisted pants look good.
92. You hate cheesy movies.
93. You enjoy camping out.
94. Bugs bother you.
95. You do well in school without trying. (in common tests)
96. You are extremely jealous of someone currently.
97. You feel like you have changed a lot from 08-09.
98. You like energy drinks.
99. You like italics.
100. You know the entire script of Mean Girls.

Date : Sunday, August 29, 2010
Time : 5:22 PM

Day One: Ten things you want to say to ten different people right now.

1. hmm you're a nice person after all. I think. Although I'm just starting to know you :D
2. Stop tugging your pampers!
3. I'm sorry for disappointing you. I really am.
4. Stop it la! It's very irritating you know!
5. You've changed. Well, everyone does.
6. Thanks for sending me home even if it is not on the way
7. Let's go Wendy's tmr!
8. Tried KOI's caramel milk tea and it was the bombxx :)
9. Thanks for listening to all my crap and being patient with me
10. Everything in your time, Lord.

Date :
Time : 1:18 AM

Started work at Aviva on Friday :)
First day was sooo dry. Got to wait till
Tuesday for training. Anyways took 2 jobs.
So everyday will be a fulfilled day.
Prolly next year gonna study and work.
Taking a freaking dip!!! Which cost like so much
lesser than the O's!

Corrine May's concert at Divine Mercy church today!
It was good:D Her songs are so meaningful!!!
It was free too. But that's not the point. lols

Everything in His time.
Day One: Ten things you want to say to ten different people right now.
Day Two: Nine things about yourself.
Day Three: Eight ways to win your heart.
Day Four: Seven things that cross your mind a lot.
Day Five: Six things you wish you’d never done.
Day Six: Five people who mean a lot (in no order whatsoever)
Day Seven: Four turn offs.
Day Eight: Three turn ons.
Day Nine: Two smileys that describe your life right now.
Day Ten: One confession.

Date : Thursday, August 26, 2010
Time : 6:42 PM

Love isn't blind. It sees, but doesn't mind.

Date : Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Time : 4:21 AM

Went to see David Choi last night at Timbre!!!
Aww! He's so cute!! He's like one head shorter than me.
Love his music! He's a singer/songwriter and he posts
his vids on YouTube :) so if you like acoustic songs, check
him out. Wanted to get a photo with him but the Singapore
manager was so f-up. I was throwing rotten eggs at her..
in my mind hahaha! But oh
wells I'm not a hardcore fan but just like his music that's all.

As much as I want to care for you, I refuse to.

Date : Saturday, August 21, 2010
Time : 12:16 AM

My mum has been complaining about my phone bills
and guess what she did. She's in her room, I'm in my room
and she sms me, expecting a reply -.- So much for wanting
to save on phone bills. Then blame it on me when my bill is too high
Thanks mom, thanks.

Have you ever, at any one time, had the feeling that life is bad, real bad, and you wish you were in another situation?
You find life make things difficult for you, work sucks, life sucks,
everything seems to go wrong...

Read the following story... it may change your views about life:
After a conversation with one of my friends, he told me despite taking 2
jobs, he brings back barely above 1K per month, he is happy as he is.

I wonder how he can be as happy as he is considering he has to skimp his
life with the low pay to support a pair of old parents, in-laws, a wife, 2
daughters and the many bills of a household.

He explained that it was through one incident that he saw in India that
happened a few years ago when he was really feeling low and touring India
after a major setback.

He said that right in front of his very eyes he saw an Indian mother chop
off her child's right hand with a chopper. The helplessness in the
mother's eyes, the scream of pain from the innocent 4-year-old child
haunted him until today.

You may ask why did the mother do so; had the child been naughty, had the
child's hand been infected?? No, it was done for two simple words- - -TO

The desperate mother deliberately caused the child to be handicapped so
that the child could go out to the streets to beg.

Taken aback by the scene, he dropped a piece of bread he was eating
half-way. And almost instantly, a flock 5 or 6 children swamped towards
this small piece of bread which was covered with sand, robbing bits from
one another. The natural reaction of hunger.

Stricken by the happenings, he instructed his guide to drive him to the
nearest bakery. He arrived at two bakeries and bought every single loaf of
bread he found in the bakeries. The owner was dumbfounded but willingly
sold everything. He spent less than $100 to obtain about 400 loaves of
bread (this is less than $0.25 per loaf) and spent another $100 to get
daily necessities.

Off he went in the truck full of bread into the streets. As he distributed
the bread and necessities to the children (mostly handicapped) and a few
adults, he received cheers and bows from these unfortunate. For the first
time in his life he wondered how people can give up their dignity for a
loaf of bread which cost less than $0.25.

He began to tell himself how fortunate he is. How fortunate he is to be
able to have a complete body, have a job! , have a family, have the chance
to complain what food is nice and what isn't nice, have the chance to be
clothed, have the many things that these people in front of him are
deprived of...

Now I begin to think and feel it, too! Was my life really that bad?
Perhaps... no, I should not feel bad at all... What about you? Maybe the
next time you think you are, think about the child who lost one hand to
beg on the streets.

"Contentment is not the fulfillment of what you want, it is the
realization of how much you already have."

When the door of happiness closes, another opens, but often times we look so long at the closed door that we don't see the one which has been opened for us.

It's true that we don't know what we've got until we lose it, but it's
also true that! we don't know what we've been missing until it arrives.

The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything that comes along their way.

The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past, you can't go on well in life until you let go of your past failures and heartaches.

Date : Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Time : 10:50 PM

When you’re in love, you don’t aim for perfect. You don’t aim for the most good-looking, smartest person in the world. You aim for the person who can make you smile without trying. You aim for the person who makes you laugh and who makes you feel good about yourself. You don’t need to find a prince to find someone who’s charming.

Date : Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Time : 5:57 PM

If you can promise me anything, promise me that whenever you’re sad, or unsure, or you lose complete faith, that you’ll try to see yourself through my eyes.
Cos to me you're amazing and that's the truth:)
Believe it or not.

I'm so glad we're cool :)

Date : Monday, August 16, 2010
Time : 8:26 PM

My obsession with Pandas :)

Yesterday was a long and fulfilled day :D
Except our heads were throbbing and we felt
nauseous somehow :( prolly never drink enough
water and not enough rest.
Yesterday's dinner without Angele and Fran
wasn't complete at all but we all had fun :)
It would be even better with them ard:)
Was talking to Angele on ebuddy about half the time :P

Date : Sunday, August 15, 2010
Time : 11:23 PM

Guys can be real jerks at times.
I mean you wanna be with her, you
should except whatever flaws she have and the way she is.
Not accept her then ask her to change.Wtf!
Then why be with her in the first place?
urgh! I wanted to cry seeing her like this!
A motivation suppose to be good not a 'sad' motivation.
She's unhappy changing for you. Just because you want
it your way. Oh no because she loves you too much so she has to change
Oh my tian.

I hate it. Hate the process. It's terrible.
But it's all worth it. I hope.

Date : Saturday, August 14, 2010
Time : 10:28 PM

Proud of myself
Attended all three days triduum (:
Tomorrow's gonna be a long full day.
Canteen tmr :) til 1 plus then off to
Angele grandma's wake then hurry back home to
get ready for mass at 5 plus then dinner :)
I got to wake up at 6am. booo :(

Date : Friday, August 13, 2010
Time : 12:25 PM

Omg! These days I'm so addicted to Libera!
The songs are like drugs! I need them to get to sleep.
These few days I've been trying it and everytime it feels
so peaceful:D I don't think of anything else and just unknowingly
fall asleep. I dint know it was disgustingly beautiful! OMG!!!
When I put on the earpiece, it was so so b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l :)
Oh wait did I just say beautiful again. hee oh wellz.
No sounds
around me, just their singing. You literally feels like you're in heaven
with angels singing. Amazing! Why dint I try it out the first time I heard it?!
It's been on repeat ever since :)
Damn I just can't find the Ave Maria mp3 one!! :(
And thanks Gab for introducing to me the song :D

Lower the volume for all vids. Don't say I didnt warn ya.

Date : Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Time : 3:28 PM

He inspires me :)

Should I go for QOP triduum?
Maybe I should. hmmm

I bumped my head and now it’s bleeding and yet I’m smiling. Heehee.
Whee. I find it funny. I don't know why.

Date : Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Time : 8:35 PM

I didn't mean to fall in love with you
And baby there's a name for what you put me through
It isn't love, it's robbery
I'm sleeping with the ghost of you and me :D

Date :
Time : 1:25 AM

LOL! Love him!

Date : Monday, August 9, 2010
Time : 1:13 AM

Urgh! Just puke my dinner/supper out!
Waited for almost 45 mins for the food and when
I got home, I
ended up throwing up the food.
The food keeps churning in my tummy. It was damn
uncomfortable so I just puke everything out.
Disappointed with the pasta:( I think I shall stick to muddy
mud pie and the sides dishes :D
Hate it when you pay a certain amt for food
and it's not even worth it :(

Anyways went to support Charlene at the Istana for her project:)
It was burning hot and the queue was like all the way to plaza sing.
But in the end, we had fun:) pics will be up on facebook...SOON.
Teo heng-ed from 7-10 and very late dinner/supper aft that.
Now I'm so chui already. Not enough sleep last night too:(

Date : Sunday, August 8, 2010
Time : 3:10 AM

Addicted to 'how I met your mother'!!

Date : Saturday, August 7, 2010
Time : 1:30 AM

Longinus session was awesome *thumbs up*
He talked about the assumption of Mary :)
Shall just write in point form. Some points may not be clear :/

Assumption of Mary(Why she was 'assume' into heaven) :
-her Obedience
-her Holiness: she has no sin, clean, pure
-Charity: Woman with action(Visitation of Mary)
-She Contemplation and prays: She prays, ponder in her heart what God is trying to tell her
-She Bear Christ to the world
-She prays and intercede for others
-looks for Christ when she lost Him
-Suffer with God

-Because of a woman(Mary), Salvation comes.
-Nothing is impossible with God, he can do whatever He desires
-Mary is our HOPE
-Death is a new beginning, new creation :D

It was a great 2 hour session! Although my points may not show it cos its like only
so few points but...I learn a lot from the session :) Assumption of Mary, About the church, Why we talk so much about Mary, eternal life :D
Prolly should go for the Bible study session every friday in church so I can know more
abt the bible, how to read between the lines, What is the bible trying to tell us and all. hmmm

hmm..Where is a good place to eat? I don't wanna have Fran's farewell dinner
at Timbre..but if cannot find a good place then prolly Timbre again.
Where, Where, Where???

Date : Friday, August 6, 2010
Time : 1:16 AM


I shall make double chocolate banana muffin for church peeeps!

Date : Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Time : 9:47 PM

During this period, I shall pretend that you never exist.
Once I get used to will just become a habit.

Date :
Time : 3:00 AM

Before and after.
Before and after.

The pile of clothes I never knew that existed until
I started to collect them from all parts of the room
cos it was all over the place.

This is just the beginning!! I
still have boxes, books, snacks..
all over the place! I don't even know
where to start!
Even if I pack everything now I know
that everything will be all messed up again
in a month time or maybe in a few weeks time.
But I really can't stand my room. It looks like a
hurricane had just passed by :)

Hey! Goood luck for reservist!
Will keep you in my prayers!

Date : Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Time : 6:14 PM

Nice song :)

"Sometimes it’s tough being a girl. If you hate a pretty girl, people will think you’re jealous. If you like an older guy, people will call you a slut. Whenever you get into an argument with your best friend, no one will care and say, “Oh, you’ll be friends tomorrow.” And when you fall for the right person, everyone else thinks he’s wrong for you."

Date :
Time : 3:30 AM

Please stop making me worry for you!! Please!

You call me at 3am in the morning just to say you're
drunk? Obviously something is bothering you and you tell me you're fine!
You think I would actually believe you?!
You never drink on a school day.

Swee, I hate you la. Please don't do this again(I doubt you will listen)
Cos I really love you la(as a brother). All I want is for YOU to be HAPPY okay. You are like apart of me la. If something happens to you I'll be hurt too.
I known he's your bestfriend and you're tryna improve your relationship and all
with him but at the expense of your health!! C'mon you know your
condition very well. I don't even know why the fuck do I care for you so much when you don't even listen. All you do is make me worry for you! And I'm telling you it FUCKING HURTS but I still choose not to give up on you cos you still mean alot to me. So stop doing this!

Arghh! My head's trobbing like mad now! $&@:"@€¥\*|£

Everyone of you means hell of a lot to me.
Especially my friends. If you're in my life, y'all
are a part of me .

Date : Monday, August 2, 2010
Time : 9:56 PM


Date :
Time : 2:58 PM

I'm like this right now..nua-ing

I like making people happy :) like cheering people up when they're down, Giving people surprises like sending them surprise text message or unexpected gifts :) when I see people happy I myself tend to be happy too :D the looks on their faces when they receive the gift or something: priceless :) I don't ask for anything much, I just want the ones I love to be happy that's all. So if I give you people gift or send you all any messages, don't be shock or think that I've motive or anything. Like eeyer why she suddenly send me this message or whatever youwant. I'm just telling you that you're not forgotten, I care for you dearly and want you to be happy :D period.
Nothing less nothing more :)

Pris's ranting moment:
WTF! Here I'm trying my very best to strike a conversation
with y'all and all y'all can do is '......', '-_-', or whatever you all do.
At least respond or something lah rather than doing '...', '-_-'....
It's super irritating when you all do that lah!
It makes me not want to talk to y'all!
If you don't wanna talk then
just tell me or if you're busy then so be it la.
Just don't type all this to me.
Sorry but I really really don't like it.

Noo! It's just the starting of the week and I'm
falling sick:/ All thanks to the rain but it was
my fault too. I was lazy to
bring an umbrella out :P
Monday night fever!

Well maybe it's because you're slowly pushing me out of your life.

Date : Sunday, August 1, 2010
Time : 9:56 PM

My heart and hands were literally beating and shaking
when I held his hand....

This afternoon was the beginning of world war 3..
All's good until he prolly hallucinated and thought
they were going to call the police when they were just talking about
other stuff.
He got really worked up and started his temper.
He threw food at Damien and flip over Steph's plate.
The worst thing is he took the knife and wanted to throw at Steph *faints*
My heart literally skip a beat! But luckily Damien took the knife from him asap.
I quickly took Steph to the toilet and faster went back to the food court in case Damien and Fran could not hold him down.
He was taller and bigger than me..imagine Damien and Fran :/
I was worried for everyone! Steph got a shock so she was crying, worried for Fran and damien at the same time. He calmed down when I went back to the food court.Kept on asking us to call IMH..called IMH but it wasnt any use. who the bloody hell charge $300 moolahs to send an ambulance down?! Called his father and all.
Now here's the 'oh shit' part. When we were walking out the food court, he started his temper again! He flip a bowl of soup on a stranger's face, kick an indian guy while he was eating and flip
over those huge containers for drinks. The stupid aunty at the drinks stall had to add on to the problem by shouting at him :/ siann.
We kept saying sorry and I was afraid that the people would come and find problems with him la but they understand so it was phew! We waited where there were less people cos the traffic light had lots of people and we obviously dont want anybody to get hurt. We kept talking to him to divert his attention from the people.
My heart and hands were literally beating and shaking
when I held his hand...
Whenever a person walk pass or walk too closely, I would grab his hand super tight. Plus he kicked Fran too, but she was standing at a safe distance, so it wasnt that hard.
His dad came and we were all like worried for him cos he's an old man, stick skinny and what if
he laid hands on his dad while he was driving.
I know him since he was like Pri 1. He has a mental illness which causes violent tendency or hallucination. He'll just will blow up and throw his temper for no rhyme or reason and whatever he can get his hands on he'll just throw at you. He knows he has this sickness and he said he wants to get treatment, but his fam cant afford it. I'm sure he doesn't want this illness but he was born with it. We cant isolate him either as it would make him think more? cos he's OVERLY SENSITIVE and when I said overly sensitive I mean to the extreme.
Wells, what a drama it was today. Everything was so messy and all but we manage to
handle it :) See, God give us things which he thinks we can handle :D

Fran's leaving to UK for a year :(

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